Well, I must say that God really helped me and showed Himself strong when I shot Sloane's 9 month pictures! I did get very much sleep the night before due to being at a Falcons Game, and when I don't get enough sleep, I become very grumpy. :) Then, the wagon I went to pick up and borrow from a friend, hadn't been cleaned out. There was dirt, spider webs, and junk all in it! I was so frustrated, that I was just about to walk away and leave it. However, my sweet fiance, Ben, had come with me to assit with these photo shoot, and so he willing went and cleaned the wagon up for me. Finally, I'm driving along, almost at my destination, and realize that I had forgotten my reflector at home. Oh, I was so upset and mad about that! I didn't even want to do this photo shoot anymore, and I contemplated calling Sloane's mom and telling her that we'd just have to reschedule. Instead, I just decided to stick it out, all the while reminding myself that this was going to be the worst photo shoot ever!
Despite the fact that nothing was going well that morning and all my complaining, God had other plans. He allowed the weather to cooperate, so that it wasn't as bright and sunny as it could have been. He gave me much grace, and allowed Sloane's pictures to be the best pictures I think I've every taken up to this point!! God had to get me to end of myself in order to show Himself strong