Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jonathan and Rebekah: Getting Ready and Wedding Ceremony


Paige Elizabeth said...

I always love checking your blog!!! You're so much better at updating than I am. Haha! :) Great pictures!!! Love 'm all!!

Kayla said...

I love these pictures!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Allison,.

Great pictures! Oh, and did I meet Rebekah at your party last year, or does she just look like one of the girls who came?

~Hannah P.

Allison Simone Photography said...

Thanks for all the comments, girls!! :)

Thanks for your compliment, Paige! I just try my best! :)

Oh, Kayla, I need to email you those pictures, don't I??

Yes, Hannah. You did meet Rebekah at my party last year.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures. Those color splash ones add such cute flair!!

By the way, I'm not the same HannahP that commented before, even though we're both friends of Paige!! =) What a conincidence...